This is the blog for Franko B's sculpture class at Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata, Italy.

You are in Pata Rat!

On the 17th of December 2010, approximately 300 persons were evicted from their homes from Coastei street, a central area of Cluj, Romania. Notified by the Mayor's office to apply for social houses, their request was approved in two days. All were moved into a marginal location: Pata Rat, the vicinity of the municipal garbage dump and a chemical waste station, at 5 kilometers from the closest bus station. They were thrown away from the space of the multicultural city. Into undignified spaces of living. 190 persons were included on the contracts of the new “social houses”: 10 modular buildings composed of 4 rooms each (of 15 or 18 square meters) and a bathroom under 6 square meters. Circa 60 persons remained without homes as a result of their eviction under heavy winter time, are hosted by their relatives with contracts.

The improper projection and execution of the constructions do not respect the Romanian legal provisions regarding housing standards (Annex 1, Law 114/ 1996). They generated over-crowedness, dampness, bad insulation and inappropriate ventilation. Cumulated, all these affect negatively the tenant’s health condition. People's stigmatization through their placement near the landfill, together with the marginalization of a community formerly integrated into the city, and the hindered access to schools, jobs and active participation in the city's social life, violates their fundamental human rights.

Getting closer – EU strategy for Roma and local realities
 10 iunie 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

On the 10th of June 2011, the Working Group of Civil Society Organizations gLOC organized the stocktaking visit Getting closer – EU strategy for Roma and local realities, opening a face-to-face dialog between European, national and local stakeholders, and marginalized Roma communities from Cluj, Romania. The event took place at a notable moment, when European institutions are adopting the EU Framework for National Strategies for the Inclusion of the Roma up to 2020, and are strongly recommending public authorities to implement integrated housing projects. Its imperative stems from the recurrent forced evictions, substandard housing conditions and multiple deprivation that co-citizen ethnic Roma are facing in Cluj. The stocktaking visit is one of the most significant actions undertaken by gLOC in the past six
months. It brought together numerous active supporters of Roma rights, equal opportunities, nondiscrimination, social inclusion and cohesion amidst the 2,000 persons living in severe poverty in
the segregated area of Pata-Rât.

The stocktaking visit was attended by high level representatives of European and international organizations, such as the European Commission, the United Nations Development Programme, the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), Amnesty International – International Secretariat, and the Open Society Institute – Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma Inclusion. Through their active presence, members of non-governmental organizations, such as Romani Criss, the Civic Alliance of Roma from Romania and its Romanian member organizations, European Alternatives, PAKIV organization, the Foundation Pro Roma and the Foundation for Supporting Families, the Agency for Press Monitoring/ Active Watch, the Center of Juridical Resources – embers of European Network Against Rasism, PATRIR and the Association of Press Professionals, reiterated their support towards the cause sustained by gLOC. The event was honored by representatives of governmental institutions, such as the National Agency for Roma, the National Council for Combatting Discrimination, the North-West Regional Development Agency, and by Cluj deputies and senators of the Social Democrat Party and of the National Liberal Party. It was also attended by the Counselor on National Minorities of the Romanian Presidency. The Cluj Mayor’s Office was represented only by its Direction of Social and Medical Assistance.
At her departure from the social forum in Pata Rât towards the townhall, Ms. Oruc was asked to hand a gift to the mayor,which was produced by Proiect Protokoll and symbolized the over-crowdedness of the “social
houses” built by the local authorities in Pata Rât.

This is was the gift for the mayor

(You are in Pata Rat!

You live in Pata Rat in a modular house, in an 18 m2 room with your family that is composed out of 4 people, also with you stays another family that has also 4 people. 
We give you the required furniture for 8 persons.
This includes: 4 wardrobes, 8 chairs, 2 tables, 1 fridge, 1 stove, 1 double bed....

Find a solution!)

The installation was made in collaboration with architect Teodora Dănilă.
To see more about the event and the other artworks click here:

Vlad Iepure

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